vrijdag 30 juli 2010

Fishing ships in troubles (watercolor )

17 opmerkingen:

Skamitis zei

Very nice! I can just feel the ocean from here !

Galya zei

Very impressive work, dear friend! :)

Fernando Pena zei

well done Jan, lot of movement there

Mônico Reis zei

Hello my friend Cabap.
This work is incredible! Very nice.
I really enjoyed.
a hug

Will zei

Very atmospheric Jan - I like the sky especially.

besikdug zei

Your watercolor pantastic Jan. This is most like.
Good luck my friend :-)

Tito zei

Beautiful watercolor, the sky is fantastic!! Very good work, Jan!

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Skamatis,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot dear Galina,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Fernando,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot my friend Monico,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a loy Will,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot my friend Besikdug,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Tito,
jan :)

Willy. zei

Het gedonder van de kerkklokken,
word decibelair overheerst, door het
hotsende ,klotsende watergeweld!!

Bãpp zei

Dank je voor je mooie woordspelingen Willy,
jan :)

F.M.Marrouch zei

Fantástico, el cielo, el mar, la atmósfera, para mi una de tus mejores acuarelas.