maandag 27 december 2010

IPAD Phil Donahue was born December 21, 1935 in Cleveland, Ohio.

8 opmerkingen:

john zei

Great work as always Jan...happy new year to you and all your family,let's hope it's a good one for everybody ...John

Guto Respi zei

my friend Cabap,
Great! Great! Great! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

F.M.Marrouch zei

Muy buenas estas últimas caricaturas.
Te deseo un Feliz Año 2011.

irinapictures zei

Phil Donahue's live dialogues with the USA people were the fresh air in Soviet Russia TV in the beginning of 90th. Great memories came with your post.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot John the same wishes for you,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Guto,the same wishes for you,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Francis ,the same wishes for you,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Irina,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

jan :)