donderdag 27 januari 2011

Sorry That i didn't post à drawing or à painting but i was in hopital.They give me à new knee.I am back home now and must revalidate for +-6mounths.

10 opmerkingen:

Mel Lothrop zei

Hope the 6 months goes good.

irinapictures zei

I am so sorry about the knee and hope everything will be good with the new one. Glad you are back and waiting for more great sketches/painting! Good luck.

rwpike zei

I sort of know what you're going through. I had reconstructive knee surgery and it was a 6 month ordeal. I wish you the best and hope all heals well.

john zei

Get well soon Jan....John

Be Creative Books zei

Jan, may God give you strength and his great help in your rehabilitation.

Best wishes and may you soon be fully restored!



vanina barañao zei

good luck with rehabilitation
we'll wait..
Saludos :)

F.M.Marrouch zei

Suerte que todo vaya bien.

BOD zei

Wishing you the best, my friend !

stella zei

espero que todo vaya bien querido amigo
Un abrazo

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot my dear friends,
jan :)