woensdag 16 februari 2011

a trip with the carriage ( IPAD PAINTING )

12 opmerkingen:

Alexandre Krestiachine zei

Nice IPAD work! It is interesting to see, that there is some tiny stylistic difference between your IPAD and water color pieces.

Stan Hughes zei

You are getting very clever with that IPAD.

Isamonalisa zei

Parece una auténtica acuarela!

Se ve estupenda!


vanina barañao zei

It's very interesting for me,
Good job!
Saludos :)


Thank you for sharing
This Wonderful work with us
Good creations

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Alexandre.
Yes when I paint a water color "done is done"
When I work with my IPAD I have more possibilitis to change what is wrong.
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Stan,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Isamonalisa,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Vanina,
jan :)

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot SKIZO,
jan :)

Alvaro zei

me gusta mucho

Bãpp zei

Thanks a lot Alvaro,
jan :)