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Graag kom ik uw feest , opening , markt , manifestaties enz...enz...opvrolijken met plezante " portretten " te tekenen van de bezoekers. Indien je liever een olieverf schilderij laat maken van het gebeuren kan dit uiteraard ook . Bel of mail me voor info , grts............JB
16 opmerkingen:
Beautiful Jan!
Loving those landscape!
Nice atmosphere!
Beautiful as usual Jan! Are these solely watercolor or are you using something else?
Thanks a lot Dominic,
jan :)
Thank you very much Ian.Yes this is pure watercolor.
jan :)
Great job Jan!!!!
Hugs!!! :)
Beautiful Port!
Saludos :)
lovely work as always Jan...
Thanks a lot Cardasin,
Jan :)
Thank you very much Vanina,
jan :)
Thanks a lot John,
jan :)
Lovely! I have much appreciation!
Cabap, immensely beautiful landscape, when clicar on and seeing it in greater size acquires beauty when observing still more its details and the professionalism of the pinceladas ones, the tones….I have liked very many
a hug
Thanks a lot Ako,
jan :)
Thank you very much for your nice compliments dear Stella,
jan :)
This is really beautiful, Jan. Love your style!
Very interesting blog you got here. I went back many posts enjoing your caricatures - great talent! I am subscribing to your blog to keep up with you.
Thanks a lot for your kind words Alex,
jan :)
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